Arsenal and Tottenham ‘provide information’ against Man City in legal case against Premier League

Arsenal and Tottenham are among several clubs who have reportedly thrown their support behind the Premier League in its legal battle with Manchester City.

Chelsea, though, are thought to be siding with Man City, who are taking legal action against the Premier League over Associated Party Transaction (APT) rules. These regulations allow the League to oversee deals between entities linked with club owners to ensure fees aren’t inflated above market rates.

The rules were introduced in 2021 following Newcastle United’s takeover, to prevent owners from bulking transaction prices and thereby giving a club more financial leeway within spending rules.

Man City argue that these regulations are unlawful and are, as a result, seeking damages from the Premier League. A two-week hearing is due to start on Monday, with three clubs reported to support Man City in their claims.

Chelsea, Aston Villa and Newcastle are all believed to be backing the Blues, but at least 10 clubs are providing documentation in support of the Premier League, according to the Daily Mail, with Tottenham and Arsenal named among them.

Fulham, Brighton and Wolves are also standing with the Premier League. Ahead of the hearing, some clubs have reportedly provided letters while others have submitted witness statements.

There are serious concerns that if Man City triumph in the case, it could lead to an even greater imbalance in the Premier League and render spending rules significantly less effective. Clubs are also believed to be seeking more clarity on how APTs would operate within multi-club models.

Man City is part of the City Football Group portfolio, while Chelsea’s owners BlueCo also have ownership of French club Strasbourg.

This APT case is distinct from the 115 charges that were brought against Man City in February 2023. The club has denied all allegations, which include claims of illicit revenue sourcing and non-cooperation on issues between 2009 and 2018.

The independent tribunal for that case is anticipated to commence this winter, with rumours suggesting a November start date, and is expected to last approximately six weeks.

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